Tuesday, July 1, 2008

tree being uprooted

(June '08) dream- saw a strong tall straight tree, zoomed-in on the trunk, then it was slowly uprooted, lifted up and out of the ground, I saw the roots and was surprised to see how short they were, telling me that it was a young tree, but had grown strong and fast and was the size of an old tree. It had lots and lots of short roots, looked like the bottom of an onion- and then it zoomed-in on the soil under the roots, it was rich and dark and fertile, being hidden and preserved, filled with possibility. As the tree was uprooted I heard in my spirit: "the climate will be much more dry."

America! Tall and strong, grew so fast, many roots (peoples) and now by God's hand going to experience a great "uprooting", removal of it's mighty stature, a great humbling over time, but not without purpose- rich soil- spiritually speaking and literal as well.

Hollywood actress being sent away

(June '08) dream- saw a beautiful actress being sent away, as if she was being evicted, from a Hollywood movie studio, she was leaving the studio, her head down, it zoomed-in on her face and I saw that she was distressed, crying. She had red spike heels on but they were slipped into tennishoes- as if she had to put them on at the last minute- dressing down, leaving. I woke up and knew that a time is coming soon when we'll see a drastic decline in worldly media/movies/tv shows/etc, not just because of the economy (less money spent on entertainment) but because of more and more people turning from all the garbage.

government/medical dream

(October 2007) I was in a large public library, it was really official looking, almost as if it were inside a capitol building or something. But I wasn't there to check out books. I was there for a doctor's appointment.Not only that, but I was made to go. As I approached the desk, I noticed a cop on either side of it, watching everything. I had a feeling of dread, and of being controlled. I noticed that the side rooms were being used as examination rooms. It was also a hospital. It was like "The" medical place for everything. I sensed that we were all being regulated and it was required that we all go there.As I stood at the desk to sign in, I looked up, and saw that the ceiling directly above the desk was a dome, a skylight, and there were decorations going around the inside of it, such as eagles, and ivy, and American flags. It was pretty, but I remember thinking, am I inside a domed government building?? But it was a library, or, had been. Now it was a medical establishment.I gotta say, it was run by the same darn folks as the ones in the other dreams.

our nation's capital

(Jan. '08) I had a very short but disturbing dream~ I was walking slowly among rubble and remains of a great city, something had happened, some type of destruction. It was quiet, there was nothing happening at all, just me, looking at all this stuff on the ground all around me, and as I walked I came upon a huge white stone object, lying on the ground. As I walked on and saw all of it, I realized that it was an obelisk, not quite as large as the Washington monument but it was still pretty big.American finances.... the economy....(and this just came to me, tonight~ "Nation's Capitol"-----"nation's capital"

"Know My Word"

Vision shown to me in '05:A terrified woman, standing inside her home, facing the front door, which was closed. On her face was sheer terror, as if sudden destruction was coming, and she was panicking. She held a can of black paint in one hand, and a brush in the other. She began to frantically apply huge strokes of black paint on either side and above the door, in an effort to gain some protection from the Lord. The vision "zoomed in" on her face, I felt her fear. She was desperate.After praying about it, I understood that in the coming times, and even now, there will be many who scramble at the last minute to find favor and protection in the Lord, but their ignorance regarding His Word will be a disservice to them. The woman was attempting some form of Passover ritual, as if it were something that she had once heard about, but really didn't understand. As I watched her paint around the door, I thought to myself, where to begin? Passover was a one-time event, to begin with. Secondly, she was using paint instead of blood. Add to that the fact that she was painting the inside instead of the outside. I thought, she's got it wrong, all-around. Protection cannot be obtained through any ritual, it's by putting one's faith and trust in the Living God, and through the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. I heard the Lord say, "Know My Word."I felt deep compassion for the woman and I wanted to reach out to her and tell her this, but it was too late. She had no knowledge of His Word. Destruction was on it's way. I should also add this detail, that she appeared to be involved in voodoo, or just a combination of beliefs, a hodgepodge mixture.

vision about Israel

(2006)First I saw a beautiful woman, a Jewess, she was radiant and perfect, but she was dressed in a bright red low-cut evening gown, it was pretty but it was revealing way too much, she was pretty much exposed up top. (The Jewess was represented by the actress who played The Nanny.)Then I saw a row of people, they were dressed really fancy, it looked like they were sitting in the front row at the Academy Awards or some other fancy production. There were 3 people: An American actress, all cute and pretty and blonde, (appeared to be Meg Ryan or Melanie Griffith?) then a man who looked like William Baldwin, then a European actress who looked like Nicole Kidman. (I wasn't going to say who these people looked like but for some reason I'm supposed to. I don't know what they represent.) The man who sat between them was "with" them both, sort of in-between...a "diplomat?" I don't know. But I did notice the expressions on the faces of these people as they viewed the Jewess~ envy. At her stunning, unique beauty. I should also mention that she stood apart from the row of people, she was standing alone. However the spotlight was on her.I watched this scene and felt compassion for the Jewess (Israel!) (I at least know that much.) because she was exposed, and I prayed for her to be covered, and there appeared on her neck a beautiful simple necklace, it had one large pearl on it, and although it was just a necklace it seemed to do the job, it made all the difference, she was no longer exposed.And I heard the Lord Jesus say, I am the Pearl of Great Price. And I knew that that was His desire for Israel, to cover her.

some visions from '05 & '06

Saw business men being devoured in water by crocodiles, saw their arms being eaten, saw crisp clean white shirts. Understood that this represents attack(s) on American economy.Saw teenagers walking together, in unison, through the streets, during what should have been school hours, singing and praising God, on a mission. Understood that God is raising up a mighty generation in the youth; do not underestimate. They were going places and witnessing and ministering, all on their own.Saw a dog, as in, somebody's pet, being cooked outdoors, to be eaten. Famine.Saw three Sanhedrin, Pharisees? Leaving the temple, leaving the city, approaching. Look of frustration upon their faces, disgruntled, not going to "put up" with all this Spirit nonsense. Understood that an increase in legalism comes against the church.Saw group of people on a boat, a fishing boat, going to a new land, fleeing destruction. They were on a fishing boat, they had to use whatever form of transportation was available. These were Christians, I understood that they were not afraid, they accepted loss and they looked with anticipation at what was to come, totally trusting in God. "Zoomed in" on a woman's face, she stood at the front of the boat, there was a look of sheer wonder on her face. They were leaving America, and they were in icy cold waters.Saw rows and rows of people behind bars, as if imprisoned, their arms reaching out from behind the bars, begging for release, desperate, crying out for deliverance. Heard the Lord say, "There are SO MANY to be set free."

my first "America" dream

It was back in 2004 I believe when I had this one. I saw a shopping center that had been taken over, there were armed soliders positioned upon the roof, aimed at the citizens, and there were shortages of everyday items, and things were being rationed, and I think the soldiers were guarding against looting?Then, I saw more buildings, such as libraries and schools and such, and they all had been taken over and were all the "same place", run by the same folks...Next, I was in a place where people were being held against their will. I was on a school campus I think, but we were fenced in and there were more soldiers... People were miserable and frightened and being made to work. I approached a person who was doing something at a table, I watched as he ground something into a fine powder, and as he worked I sensed that he was grinding down human bones. As soon as I thought this, he looked up and looked directly into my eyes and said, "It is what you think it to be."Next I was inside this place, this school that had been taken over, and it was somewhat of a prison, the classrooms used as cells and interrogating rooms. A frightened little girl came up to me, and I knew she was there alone. I held her hand and took care of her. As we walked hand in hand down a hallway, we happened to pass by an open classroom, and the door was partially open, just enough to where I could see that there was a man being tortured inside. He was on the wall. It was very disturbing to say the least, even though it was a dream. I was worried that the little girl saw it too, and so I knelt down and put my hand on her little head and said, "Heavenly Father, may Your Holy Spirit protect this little child and may she not see these things here..." And then the little girl looked up at me and said, "I saw everything."I was taken on some kind of a tour, saw more things, until the very end, when I was told to lie down in a bathtub, naked, it was my turn to die, and they placed a gas mask over my face. The gas stank and I began to choke, then I woke up.I almost forgot! One of the details of this dream was a woman, she was being held against her will just like everyone else, but she sat and joked and laughed with one of "them", and I knew that she had made connections ahead of time, and now it was serving her well, she was using her influence for the betterment of the captives, but in an underhanded way, by infiltration. She was a rare exception and I knew that she was taking great risks.

only His wisdom will see us through

had this brief dream about 2 years ago~I saw a large, muscular man, squatting down on the ground, giving his full attention to a small child. The big strong man was listening intently to this seemingly insignificant child's voice.When I woke up, I understood the meaning almost instantly:That we are entering into a strange time, where the wise and strong in the eyes of the world will turn to the small and weak in the eyes of the world. That God will now use the wisdom that He's hidden away in the seemingly useless and weak. That the wisdom of the world will no longer be of any use, and only His wisdom will see us through.